Cell Differences

This web-page has difference between plant cells and animal cells.

Plant cell

  • In addition to cell membrane,Plant cells also have a cell wall which is the most outer covering layer of the cell which is rigid.
  • There is large vacuole present in it. About 80 to 90 % place is occupied by it.
  • Due to the vacuole present in it,the nucleus is pushed to one side in cell.
  • Plastid-chloroplasts containing chlorophyll is present in it.
  • They do not chage the shape as they are rigid.
  • Lysosomes are absent in plant cells.
  • Plant cells do not burst while kept in hypotonic solution due to the rigidity of cell wall.
  • Plant-cell

    Animal cell

  • There is only cell membrane present in it.
  • In this,Vacuoles are generally small.
  • In,this nucleus is almost in the middle of the cell.
  • There is lack of chloroplasts in it.
  • They can change there shape
  • Lysosomes are present in it.
  • Animal cells may burst while kept in hypotonic solution.
  • Animal-cell